Pako Salad (Edible fern or Fiddlehead fern)
Pako Salad is a recipe submitted by a follower of filipino-dishes.org. Its a fresh crispy salad and easy to prepare!
1 tali Pako (edible fern)
2 large Tomatoes(chopped into salad size)
1 Red Onion(chopped into salad size)
2 Pieces Red Chilichopped into small pcs
5 tbsp. Bagoong Isdafermented fish
5 pieces CalamansiCalamansi juice
Pako Salad (Edible fern or Fiddlehead fern) is a delicious Filipino salad. It is a variation of the garden salad Pako and combined with bagoong Isda it distinguishes itself with a delicious flavor.
Pako Salad is probably one of the most favorite salads in the Philippines! Pako or fiddlehead fern is often sold on local markets (Palengke) in the Philippies. Pako is a vegetable growing in the wild and can be found near waterfalls or water streams. Be assured that the Pako or fiddlehead fern is washed well (or cooked) before using it to remove microbes. Also make sure that you are familiar with pako if you want to get the Pako from the wild cause there are many kinds of leaves look like pako but aren’t and might even toxic.
The benefits of Pako (Fiddleheards) are that they contain fatty acids, Omega 3 and Omega 6 and aside of that they contain tons of vitamins and minerals. Pako Salad also has a great source of antioxidants and therefore is great for dieting.
Pako Salad is a recipe submitted by a follower of filipino-dishes.org. It’s a fresh crispy salad and easy to prepare!
Clean the Pako. Select the top portion of the edible fern (the soft part)
Dip into a bowl of boiled water for 3-5 minutes
Remove the Pako and set aside
Put chopped onions, chopped tomatoes and chili and mix with Pako Salad
Mix Bagoong (fermented fish) together and add calamansi juice.
Recipe Reviews
1 tali Pako (edible fern) | |
2 large Tomatoes | |
1 Red Onion | |
2 Pieces Red Chili | |
5 tbsp. Bagoong Isda | |
5 pieces Calamansi |